Alan Moore, the renowned comic book writer and creator of iconic works like Watchmen and V for Vendetta, has made a significant decision regarding his royalties. Instead of receiving them personally, he has chosen to direct DC Comics, the publisher of many of his works, to send them to the Black Lives Matter movement. Moore, who recently revealed this choice in an interview with The Telegraph, explained that he made this decision as a way to support the ongoing fight against racial injustice.
In the interview, Moore discussed various topics including his thoughts on Frank Miller’s groundbreaking graphic novel, The Dark Knight, and why he has changed his stance on sharing royalties with movie writers. Retirement from comics and a preference for a quieter “writer’s life” were also among the topics addressed.
During the interview, Moore expressed his discontentment with the current state of the comic book industry. He criticized the increasing prevalence of “adult fare” and the gentrification of comics that has occurred since the success of his own work, Watchmen. Moore urged for a return to originality and diversity in the industry.
Moving beyond comics, Moore also shared his views on the fantasy genre, highlighting its limited exploration of new ideas and reliance on predictable tropes inspired by the likes of J.R.R. Tolkien and George R.R. Martin. Instead, he called for more unique and socially conscious visions in fantasy literature. As an example, Moore mentioned Mervyn Peake’s Gormenghast trilogy, which he believes successfully explores real-world issues and societal changes.
While Alan Moore’s retirement from comics and avoidance of public appearances might have left a void for his fans, his recent interview serves as a reminder of his continued influence and critical perspective on the industry. Moreover, his decision to redirect his royalties to the Black Lives Matter movement demonstrates his commitment to fighting for social justice even in retirement.